This is the complete list of members for Foret, including all inherited members.
adjacents(int col, int row, int distance) const | Foret | |
adjacents(const Arbre *ab, int distance) const | Foret | |
blast(Arbre *ab) | Foret | |
clean() | Foret | |
clearBurned() (defined in Foret) | Foret | inline |
clearCarbonized() (defined in Foret) | Foret | inline |
clearChanged() | Foret | |
clearDelayBurned() (defined in Foret) | Foret | inline |
clearDelayed() (defined in Foret) | Foret | inline |
clearUprooted() (defined in Foret) | Foret | inline |
create(int largeur, int hauteur, std::vector< std::vector< int > > *matrice) | Foret | |
cut(int xDep, int yDep, int xArr, int yArr) | Foret | |
delay(Arbre *ab, float coef=0.5) | Foret | |
delay(int xDep, int yDep, int xArr, int yArr) | Foret | |
Foret(int _largeur, int _hauteur, float proba=0.60, float _coefFeu=0.5, std::time_t graine=std::time(0)) | Foret | |
Foret(int _largeur, int _hauteur, std::ifstream *file, LoadProgress *PB) | Foret | |
Foret(int _largeur, int _hauteur, std::vector< std::vector< int > > *matrice, float coef_brulure) | Foret | |
getBurned() (defined in Foret) | Foret | inline |
getCarbonized() (defined in Foret) | Foret | inline |
getChanged() | Foret | |
getDelayBurned() (defined in Foret) | Foret | inline |
getDelayed() (defined in Foret) | Foret | inline |
getOnFire() const (defined in Foret) | Foret | inline |
getUprooted() (defined in Foret) | Foret | inline |
getVent() const (defined in Foret) | Foret | inline |
height() const (defined in Foret) | Foret | inline |
initEmpty() | Foret | |
kindle(Arbre *ab) | Foret | |
kindle(int col, int row) | Foret | |
loadBurningCoef(std::ifstream *file) | Foret | |
loadEssences(std::ifstream *file) | Foret | |
loadMatrix(std::ifstream *file, LoadProgress *progress) | Foret | |
loadSizes(std::ifstream *file) | Foret | |
nbEssences() (defined in Foret) | Foret | inline |
NextMove() | Foret | |
operator[](int ligne) (defined in Foret) | Foret | inline |
plantTree(int col, int row) | Foret | |
plantTree(int col, int row, unsigned int numEss, int PdV, float humidite, float coef, int etat) | Foret | |
randomMatrix(float probabilite) | Foret | |
saveEssences(std::ofstream *file) | Foret | |
saveMatrix(std::ofstream *file) | Foret | |
saveProperties(std::ofstream *file) | Foret | |
setValues(int largeur, int hauteur, float coef) | Foret | |
setWind(int angle, int vitesse) | Foret | |
showEssences() const | Foret | |
spark(Arbre *ab, int intensite) | Foret | |
spark(int col, int row, int intensite) | Foret | |
sparkAdjacentsWind(int posCol, int posRow, int hor, int vert) | Foret | |
sparkAdjacentsWind(Arbre *a, const Vent *vent) | Foret | |
transition(Arbre *ab) | Foret | |
transitionWind(Arbre *a, const Vent *vent) | Foret | |
tryLoad(std::ifstream *file, LoadProgress *progress) | Foret | |
tryLoadEssences(const std::string &fileName) | Foret | |
trySave(std::string filePath="save_forest") | Foret | |
trySaveSeed(std::string filePath="save_forest") | Foret | |
uproot(Arbre *ab) | Foret | |
uproot(int col, int row) | Foret | |
width() const (defined in Foret) | Foret | inline |
~Foret() | Foret | virtual |