Foret Member List

This is the complete list of members for Foret, including all inherited members.

adjacents(int col, int row, int distance) const Foret
adjacents(const Arbre *ab, int distance) const Foret
blast(Arbre *ab)Foret
clearBurned() (defined in Foret)Foretinline
clearCarbonized() (defined in Foret)Foretinline
clearDelayBurned() (defined in Foret)Foretinline
clearDelayed() (defined in Foret)Foretinline
clearUprooted() (defined in Foret)Foretinline
create(int largeur, int hauteur, std::vector< std::vector< int > > *matrice)Foret
cut(int xDep, int yDep, int xArr, int yArr)Foret
delay(Arbre *ab, float coef=0.5)Foret
delay(int xDep, int yDep, int xArr, int yArr)Foret
Foret(int _largeur, int _hauteur, float proba=0.60, float _coefFeu=0.5, std::time_t graine=std::time(0))Foret
Foret(int _largeur, int _hauteur, std::ifstream *file, LoadProgress *PB)Foret
Foret(int _largeur, int _hauteur, std::vector< std::vector< int > > *matrice, float coef_brulure)Foret
getBurned() (defined in Foret)Foretinline
getCarbonized() (defined in Foret)Foretinline
getDelayBurned() (defined in Foret)Foretinline
getDelayed() (defined in Foret)Foretinline
getOnFire() const (defined in Foret)Foretinline
getUprooted() (defined in Foret)Foretinline
getVent() const (defined in Foret)Foretinline
height() const (defined in Foret)Foretinline
kindle(Arbre *ab)Foret
kindle(int col, int row)Foret
loadBurningCoef(std::ifstream *file)Foret
loadEssences(std::ifstream *file)Foret
loadMatrix(std::ifstream *file, LoadProgress *progress)Foret
loadSizes(std::ifstream *file)Foret
nbEssences() (defined in Foret)Foretinline
operator[](int ligne) (defined in Foret)Foretinline
plantTree(int col, int row)Foret
plantTree(int col, int row, unsigned int numEss, int PdV, float humidite, float coef, int etat)Foret
randomMatrix(float probabilite)Foret
saveEssences(std::ofstream *file)Foret
saveMatrix(std::ofstream *file)Foret
saveProperties(std::ofstream *file)Foret
setValues(int largeur, int hauteur, float coef)Foret
setWind(int angle, int vitesse)Foret
showEssences() const Foret
spark(Arbre *ab, int intensite)Foret
spark(int col, int row, int intensite)Foret
sparkAdjacentsWind(int posCol, int posRow, int hor, int vert)Foret
sparkAdjacentsWind(Arbre *a, const Vent *vent)Foret
transition(Arbre *ab)Foret
transitionWind(Arbre *a, const Vent *vent)Foret
tryLoad(std::ifstream *file, LoadProgress *progress)Foret
tryLoadEssences(const std::string &fileName)Foret
trySave(std::string filePath="save_forest")Foret
trySaveSeed(std::string filePath="save_forest")Foret
uproot(Arbre *ab)Foret
uproot(int col, int row)Foret
width() const (defined in Foret)Foretinline